Jun 3, 2014

What if You Had the Death Note?

I'm really curious to know what others would do if they came upon the death note.
Would you use it?
If so, on who and why?
If not, why and what would you do with it?
Would you want that power?

(Please feel free to comment. Anyone should be able to comment even if you don't have a google account or blogspot.)

Would I use the death note if I had it? Yes. On the people who live above me! Then I don't have to listen to the creaking and thumping and stuff all day long.
In all honesty though, probably not. I can't say I wouldn't be tempted, but I don't think I would go through with it...
If not, why and what would you do with it? Why? I don't think I could. It would go against my beliefs (and I'm not talking about religious). Even though I think I could do it without getting caught, I would probably eventually end up on the front steps of the police station confessing.... I don't believe killing can bring peace. The kind of "peace" Light created was fear. People didn't stop committing crimes because they thought it was wrong, they did it because they were afraid for their lives. Well hell, you might as well just make the world a dictatorship and strip away all freedom. The fact is, killing can't be stopped by killing. Killing a murder is not going to stop murder. Have you ever noticed that no matter how many criminals we execute or how many wars we fight, criminals still keep coming and wars still keep occurring. Think about it this way. It's a cycle of killing. We rage wars because someone killed someone else. We murder someone because they murdered our mother. We murder someone because they get in our way and then their best friend is pointing a gun at us to get revenge. You can't stop killing by killing. You have to learn to forgive and to show mercy. You have to find ways to help people instead of just getting rid of the ones you don't want or don't think should be here. So no, I wouldn't want to kill people. I believe Light was terribly wrong in what he did and what he thought. He was smart but he was blind.
It's also not my right or anyone's right to pass down judgement on who deserves to live and who does not simply because they did something we think it wrong. It's not my place to judge others and sentence them to death. I am no God. I am no superior being. I have no right.
What would I do with it? I honestly don't know. I think maybe, if anything, I would try to use it to help people. I think maybe sort of like assisted suicide for people who are suffering. Using the book kind of like a shot of mercy. If someone is terminally ill and ready to go, I don't think it's right to stop them. I don't think it's right to make someone suffer mentally and physically when they don't want to. There are times when killing isn't wrong. It's like on the battlefield if your friend is wounded and can't be saved and he asks you to make it stop. I think it would be wrong to just sit there and make him suffer till he slowly slips away if you can just end it and he wants you to. I know for a fact that if I was bed ridden and dying or unable to do things I liked and didn't even know where I was or who I was, I would really prefer it if someone just shot me and got it over with because I don't want to live like that. If I was in the middle of no where with my leg cut off and animals eating at me while I'm still alive, I would prefer some one just kill me fast. I don't want to die some slow painful death. I don't want to be kept as a vegetable either. Unfortunately, killing someone, even if that person asks you to and even if it's to end their suffering, isn't legal everywhere. With the Death Note, you could do it without getting caught. So if I had to use it, I would use it for that I think.
Would I want that power? No. I don't want that power. If you could do other things with it like maybe injure or scare but not actually kill, maybe. Still, even if I tried to help the dying, I wouldn't want that power. The stress of keeping it from bad people and trying to figure out if it's really okay to use it for any reason at all is too much. How do I know that I wouldn't somehow kill someone the day before the cure came out that could have saved them? How do I know that person was supposed to live and create some great invention. I can't see the gigantic picture. I can't see the future. I don't want to be responsible for trying to and messing up.

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