Jun 6, 2014

Deadman Wonderland

Someone please tell me that was not the ending. How the hell was that the ending. That didn't explain a damn fucking thing. It was a pretty good story but where is the freakin ending!! Are you kidding me? Okay so now Shiro was somehow the red man? How? Did the other deadmen make it out and tell the world the truth? What the hell is Shiro anyway? She certainly isn't human. Humans don't have their leg broken like that then stand up and walk on it five minutes later! That was not an ending. Anyone who calls that an ending is out of their minds. Endings conclude things. That didn't conclude one damn thing. I suppose it left open the possibility that Red man and Shiro are one in the same but it didn't even confirm or explain that. In other words, that has to be one of the worst endings ever. I've seen some bad endings, but that was ridiculous. I almost gave the show a high score but decided I should wait to see the ending. I guess it's a good thing I waited. The show was pretty awesome but the ending destroyed it. Or rather, the lack of an ending destroyed it.

I'll write more when I'm less pissed

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