Jun 19, 2014

Phantom Requiem for the Phantom Ending


The following WILL contain spoilers since I'm discussing the last five minutes of the last episode. I will talk about the whole anime later, but I just watched the ending and I really want to talk about that right now. I'll add the rest at a later date.

There is a lot of confusion surrounding the ending. Did Reiji die? Did Eren die? If so, how? If now, then what happened?
I suppose, we will never know for sure. I've read several theories about it. I guess I will start with discussing a few of those.

Theory one-One theory is they both died. Eren dies by suicide and Reiji dies from being shot. Some people think the flower Eren was looking at, looked like a poisonous flower, and she used it to kill herself after Reiji was shot. The missing petal of the flower was shown to explain Erens death, and the shell casing to explain Reijis death.

Problem one, the flower looks like a pansy, aka, not poisonous. Two, no poisounous flower can kill that quickly with just one petal. Is it possible she killed herself some other way? There is no blood, so she couldn't have died that way. If she took something before that scene, she wouldn't have said what she did. Nor would she have said those things if she was planning on dying. Right before Reiji died, she said "These are my own. I can take them and live." This implies she believed she was planning on staying alive. It's true that she no longer has to try to find out about her past anymore because she knows. So that goal is completed. With out Reiji, there would be no reason to keep living. Even so, that doesn't explain how she could have killed herself. That pretty much rules out the suicide theory.

Theory two- Eren knew that Reiji would be shot. That's why she didn't freak out.

Problems- This would explain the clam reaction she had. After all, Reiji goes down, and she acts as if nothing happened. It seems to me that she would at least have a shocked expression. Still, I can't believe that she would know and not try to stop it. That just isn't her character.

Theory three- Eren didn't die. She was just day dreaming. She didn't get upset over Reiji's death because she had all she needed and she knew she had to live.

Problems- Somehow, I think this is more like wishful thinking. Even if she knew she was dying or if she knew he wouldn't want her to be upset, she isn't some emotionless shell of a girl, she is a thinking feeling human being. She had a strong connection with Reiji. If he died, she would not be okay. She would at least cry a tear. This theory does not explain her reaction. The day dreaming thing is possible, but the why is still unknown.

For the most part, people agree that Eren is dead. I don't think so.

My theory- Eren isn't dead. Eren and Reiji weren't near each other when he dies. It would explain why she didn't freak out and why she was laying, staring up at the sky as if lost in thought. At first, Reiji is standing behind Eren by their bags. After Eren says "Yes, we don't have to go any farther, this is the sky I always dreamed about. It's part of my memory. I know this is it." Reiji walks away. We never see the both of them in the same shot after that. After that, we see them in two different settings. Eren is in the grass near scattered flowers. It's probably the same place she was previously. On the other hand, Reiji is near a tree, no bags in sight, and no flowers either.

In other words, they weren't near each other. We don't know how far apart they were because we never saw them on the screen together after that but they probably weren't even in view of each other at that point. He probably was giving her some time alone to think and remember. So when he gets shot and falls down, she didn't see it, so she doesn't know he is dead. Unaware of his death, she finally is done with the flower and lays down to stare at the sky. Perhaps she looks up from the flower because she sees the wagon or she got a strange feeling. It could have been anything. She may have just been done with her thoughts. Either way, it's likely she didn't see it. As for why she stared at the flower for so long, she was probably thinking about all of this new information and processing it all. She lays down, but she doesn't look dead. She is probably thinking. She is staring at this sky that she dreamed of so many times, the only part of her past she had held on to.

This doesn't necessarily mean that the missing petal has no signifigance. I think it lost it's petal because Reiji was gone. I'm having a hard time finding the words to explain it, but I think the petal was kind of like his life. She didn't pick it off, it just fell.
This is the only way I can think of to explain everything that happens in the end. It explains her "reaction" or rather, lack of it, and it either avoids or explains problems with other theories.
The problem with theory one is that her words and supposed actions didn't match up and there was nothing to commit suicide with. My theory says she didn't die, so she wouldn't need something to kill herself and her words wouldn't contradict her options. The problems in theory one would be irrelevant.
The problem with theory two was that her character wouldn't just sit by and knowingly let Reiji die. She made it clear several episodes back that she didn't want Reiji to die before she did. She didn't want to live in a world without him. She wouldn't look so calm if she saw him dead. Since, according to my theory, they weren't actually in view of each other, these problems are irrelevant.
The problem with theory three is similar to that of the second theory. It doesn't explain her reaction to Reijis death. If she saw Reiji die, she wouldn't just lay down and start day dreaming peacefully. Therefore, she couldn't have known he was dead. If she didn't know he was dead, she wouldn't be upset.
Through observation and deductive reasoning, my theory explains her expression, the difference in scenery, the actions, and the words of the characters.
I'm not saying it's what actually happened, nor am I saying it's the only possibility. In fact I actually have a second, slightly different theory as well. The argument for this one is just stronger though.

What my theory doesn't explain is why someone would shoot Reiji in the first place. Who would have done it. As far as we knew, Inferno never worked in Asia. Who would want to kill Reiji now. The people in Inferno that had tried to kill him are dead. I highly doubt Shiga would try to go after him, not to mention, the way Reiji died wasn't his style. McGwire doesn't have a reason to go after him. Reiji isn't doing anything to trouble Inferno, he isn't even near Inferno, so McGwire shouldn't have a problem with him. Everyone else is dead.
Also, was it the driver, or someone hidden in the hay?
One thing I have a problem with is how long it took for Reiji to fall down. Talk about a delayed reaction. Maybe I'm just ignorant of some important fact that explains why he took so long to fall down, but it seems to me that it shouldn't have taken so long. Also, where did he get hit? It wasn't the head. Anyway, after all that guy has survived, I'm a little surprised a single bullet could kill him. He got shot three times, near the heart, fell into the water, and basically drowned before and was still alive. I guess it could have been a dart gun with poison but that just doesn't seem likely. There is nothing to suggest that to be the case. So why did he take so long to fall?! If it didn't kill him instantly, why didn't we hear a last thought or a last word or something. Why did his face look like he was fading out while he was still managing to stand.

Was this an appropriate ending? Was it a good ending?
I think so. It was the end. If he isn't alive, then his story is finished. He can't do anything else unless we follow him to life after death or he comes back as a ghost. Since he has been known to go back and forth between assassin and not assasin throughout the series due to various reasons, I think it was best to end with his death. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to know if he went on to live a normal life or if he want back to being an assassin or what. If he hadn't gone back and forth, we could probably have assumed he remained as he was in the ending. That wasn't the case though. By killing him off, we don't have to wonder what happened during the rest of his life or how he turned out because there was no "rest of his life."
It was a nice wrap up because we know what happened up to his death. We know who he became and how far his relationships ended up going. There isn't anything about him for us to guess. That isn't the only reason it was a good ending. Eren found out where she was from and who she was. She found a reason for her being. If she didn't die in the end, I think she had found what she needed to live and be happy, despite the fact that Reiji was gone. I'm not saying she wouldn't be upset for a while, but I think she now has the strength to move past it and find happiness.
I think Reiji was at peace when he died. He had hurt so many and killed so many, he felt like a destroyer. "I lived a life leaving nothing behind except shattered dreams and broken promises. There was one promise I could never break. I promised to make you smile. You'll be truely happy, I know you will." Are his last thoughts. Killing and hurting others never really sat well with him. Even though his memory was wiped, he wasn't a mindless killer. The pain he caused was a heavy burden for him. Even in the end, I still don't think he liked himself very much. He couldn't forget what he had done. He couldn't forget all that he had been through. However, he managed to do one thing. He kept Eren safe and he made her smile. He helped her find happiness. I think Eren has a chance at happiness now. I think she will find a way to move on and live. I'm not sure Reiji could have done that. I'm not sure he could just forget. He looked peaceful when he died, not like someone with regrets. I think keeping that last promise put him at peace with himself. I'm not doing a very good job of explaining this, but based on what he said, I think what happened was best.
I can't say the ending was sad. I don't think sad is the right way to describe it. I think it was peaceful sort of melancholy ending. Perhaps even bittersweet. Rarely does the audience want the main character to die, but that doesn't mean it's the worst thing ever every time. I think what is sad is that there are no more episodes.
As for the rest, I will put in another post later. I have a feeling I have a lot more to say about this anime.

Jun 17, 2014

Elfen Lied

 The following may contain spoilers.

 They seriously need to put warnings on the screen before hurting animals!!!! Seriously, was that really necessary? Couldn't they beat up a doll? The doggie was innocent. WARNING: The end of episode 8 contains animal abuse that is waaaay too detailed. You don't see the dog die...but you hear it.....Stupid writer putting in such an awful scene. Anyway, I should rate it 1 out of five stars just for that scene, but it wouldn't be fair. Below is the poor doggy they killed. How can you kill such a cute puppy. They got what they deserved (the second picture)

Anyway.......on to the rest of things.

I think the amount of nakedness in this show was unnecessary. Is there a reason these girls must be kept naked while being isolated and researched because I highly doubt it. Put clothes on them already and stop making your own kiddie porn. You're torturing naked girls. Call it science if you want, but I call it pedophilia.

As for the show itself, it was alright. It wasn't very exciting, but it was interesting enough for a rainy afternoon. There isn't much action or mystery or anything, just a simple story. Well, maybe not simple. The ending was half good. I say half because it only summed up one side of the story. By that I mean, we know what happened to the girls and all. Well, sort of anyway. There is the very last part where someone is at the door and the clock randomly starts working. We never get to find out what all that is about. We don't know for sure that Lucy is dead either.
However, what happens to the facility? Do they keep sending others to go after the girls? Do they continue their research? Do they go after Kouta? What was the point in showing us the guys horns? Did that woman ever get to take that bath? That whole side of things was left completely unfinished. Therefor the ending wasn't very conclusive. Maybe they planned to have a second season and never did.

It's gory and bloody and includes lots of nakedness, but that's about it. It's not the most exciting thing to watch in my opinion. It has some laughable moments, but not a whole lot. I know some people say it's "fucked up" but I don't think I would quite call it that. I'd say it's not all that weird. Okay, so the severed head on the office desk was a little bit messed up. Actually, the amount of floating severed heads is a little creepy. I think someone really likes floating heads.

The ending is a little sad. The situation with Kurama, Nana, and Mariko is rather unfortunate to say the least.

  Koutas past is pretty messed up though. He makes a friend who ends up killing his sister and father. He gets so messed up that he rewrites his memory. I don't totally get how that worked. I mean, so much went down on the train and the father took so long to bother interfering. Was he just super dumb or oblivious?
By the way, if a mutation can be born if the parent has contact with a mutation prior to conception, shouldn't someone let Kouta, Yuka, and Mayu know? I think that would be important.
Overall, I give it a 3 out of 5. They way overdid the nakedness, the ending wasn't conclusive, there wasn't much excitement, but it wasn't a total waste of time. The animation style seemed well enough and the characters were interesting. The whole dog thing though, was NOT NECESSARY!!!!!! Kill all the humans you want but damnit, leave the puppy alone!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 16, 2014

Black Lagoon Review

This includes bother seasons of Black Lagoon.

In the way of plot, there isn't much of one. It's more action and well, action, and less story. It's 24 episodes of different conflicts involving the same characters. Despite this, I think it's a rather good show. There may not be much of a plot, but there is plenty of suspense and energy. Sometimes, a solid plot isn't necessary, and I think this is one of those times. I really enjoyed watching it and I got a real kick out of a lot of the episodes. Without any real plot, it can seem "slow" at times. Every episode or every few episodes is an entirely different conflict, unconnected to the previous except for characters and some elements of setting. The whole time, the character "Rock" is standing on the line between the normal "light" side of life that he used to have as a business man, and the underground, criminal, "dark" life he has recently dived into. Granted, he never does anything really bad like kill or steal with his own hands, but he isn't innocent either. He has trouble deciding which route he wants to take. He can't seem to completely leave his old life behind him, but he doesn't really want to go back either. He likes this new life, but he is afraid to continue.

He refuses to remove his collared shirt and his tie, he won't hold a gun, and he often seems to soft for such work. Personally, if I were him, I would reconsider the no weapon thing, especially after almost being cut to bits by a chainsaw.
If he does ever change his mind, the series doesn't last long enough to show it. Personally, I would have liked the series to go on longer. It feels incomplete, though that is partially due to lack of plot I imagine. It was also exciting which makes me want to watch more. Unfortunately, there is no more. It's another show that should have had another season, or several more.
The main weapons are guns, though torpedoes, swords, canons, grenades, and bombs are used. I'm not really a fan of guns, however, that didn't bother me with this show. It almost makes me want to go all criminal. I would probably be better at it than Rock. At least I'd be willing to hold a weapon.
While it was still a more modern time setting, it wasn't so techy that I got confused, which was nice. The more technology talk there is, the less I understand. Of course, these are criminals who mainly are involved in shipping cargo, not hackers or secret organizations or anything like that.

Black Lagoon certainly has some interesting characters. For one thing, you have a "church" with ass kicking, gun shooting, booze drinking, smoking, drug selling, swearing nuns. These are not your typical nuns. These are way cooler. This might even be the best part of the whole freakin series.

There is also a freakin terminator-like maid with a gun disguised as a freakin umbrella! This woman does not die. She only shows up for a few episodes, but she ain't human. What I want to know is, why didn't the bar tender have milk when she was there, but did later when those other two guys were.

Dutch is the big tough black guy who basically runs the "shipping" company. Revy or Two hands is a badass gunwoman. We don't know anything about Dutch really.

We know Revy had a hard childhood and grew up with a gun. We know she is Chinese American and she has a temper. Other than Rock, she is the only person with any part of their past known to us. Hers is more childhood though while what we know of Rock is more recent.

Benny is basically the tech guy for the company. He works all the tech stuff and, like Rock, doesn't carry a gun. Unlike Rock though, he usually isn't in a situation where he needs one. We don't really know much about this guy except that he isn't the fighting killing type, and like Rock, he was taken in because he had no where else to go.
Rock is well, Rock. They never do tell us why he was given that nick name. We don't know a whole lot about his past, just that he doesn't get along with his family and his boss basically left him for dead. He doesn't carry a gun and he won't get rid of his damn suit either. He makes a great babysitter for human cargo though, especially the children.

Anyway, I give it a four out of five just for being so cool. I can't complain about the ending really because without much of a plot, there isn't really much of an ending. In fact there wasn't an ending. I mean the show ended, but that doesn't mean it had an ending. I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes action and crazy nuns but doesn't mind the lack of character development or plot. 

There isn't a whole lot of gore, even though people die. There is a lot of blood, but you don't really watch people die in detail. It's not very sexual or romantic or anything like that. You do have some modern day Hitler worshipers, mention of child abuse, and drugs. There are a lot of weapons and violence, but like I said, it's not gory. There is a lot of swearing. However, chopping off limbs, shooting guns, and swearing is about as far as it goes. So if you don't want gore or sex, then your fine.  Basically, it's just action and fighting. Oh, and there is the mafia.

One last thing. I just want to point out that this is badass AWESOME.

Jun 15, 2014

Anime Guys

This is just a list of anime guys I really like, not in any particular order. I'm not saying I would date them, but maybe I would. It would certainly be an adventure......and I really hope my boyfriend never reads this post...

Lelouch from Code Geass- I don't know if I would consider him datable for me or anything. I have a feeling I would get tired of losing at chess and being outsmarted all the time. Even if he let me win, I'm not so dumb that I would actually believe I won fair and square. Still, he is totally awesome. He would definitely give me enough to think about.

Loki from Fairy Tail- May I please be Lucy now. He didn't become cool until he showed up in a suit. He just looked so cool and the things he said, I WANT HIM! I swear a part of me just watches this show waiting for him to show up. Lucy needs to call on him more. Whats even better is leo is my horoscope sign. Hand him over please.

Otonashi from Angel Beats- He's rather down to earth for a dead guy. Admittedly, the whole being dead thing kinda screws things up, but he is still awesome.

Saizo the pig from PMK- it's a funny cute animal but so what. It's a male. Is it wrong that I'm including a pig on this list?

Sesshomaru- Why does the not good but not completely bad guy have to be so awesome. He's just so freakin cool, and his hair. I'll admit, his character can be a bit annoying, but he's still awesome.

Jun 14, 2014

Fairy Tail Season 2

Since this anime is really long, I decided to just post whenever and I will combine them all later. For now, there are just multiple posts.

Problem: the only thing consistent about powers is that they are totally inconsistent in this show!!! Come on. Spirits have popped out of their own free will when Lucy was in trouble before, but only when the writer wants them too. Basically, there is no set of rules that decides when they will choose to do this, it's just completely random. Loki was all protective and stuff and now Lucy is about to be executed and he is no where to be found, wtf? The clock appeared to keep her from being sucked in to the Anima thingy, but when she is going to be executed, no one shows up? Why are things so inconsistent in this show!
And like ooo Mistogen and Lauxus are so powerful, oh wait, no nvm, there is this guy who has been gone three years but who is actually the most powerful. Make up your mind! There was like no mention of this guy before. When the master was considering who could take over, this guy never even came up. Seriously, I know the writer isn't some street poor amateur so can we please get some consistency in here! Sometimes it feels like that game where a bunch of people sit in a circle and one person starts making up a story then passes it on to the next person who makes up the next part, etc. Would we like to introduce something else totally random. Perhaps we can make a new ability that only shows up at complete randomness.

Okay, so perhaps not the best start to this new tale of an adventure the Fairy Tail wizards have, but it does get better, sorta. The beginning kind of went over my head. I'm not sure if it was just too much to make sense of, or if I just wasn't interested enough to bother. I'll sort of sum up the events for you. Basically, the characters get sucked into another world, Edous, where magic is limited and only exists within items, not ones body. Most of the guild is trapped inside a giant rock, with the exception of the dragon slayers and Lucy who was saved by one of her spirits. Mistogen gives Gajeel and Lucy a special pill before throwing them into this other world. The pill allows them to use their magic in Edos. Wendy and Natsu don't meet with Mistogen before traveling to Edos by flying cats, and therefor cannot use their magic when they get there. (Typical, two of the strongest characters are the ones who can't use their strength. ) Carla, Wendys cat, reveals that she and Happy are actually from Edos, and they were sent to Earth-Land on a mission. Happy has no memory of any of this. Carla decides to abandon her mission and take Natsu and Wendy to Edos to find their guild friends. While searching for their guild, they stumble on a guild with the same name and people as their Fairy Tail. Turns out, Edos is kind of like an opposite world to Earth-Land (where Natsu and the others are from). In Edos, many of the characters are simply opposites of their Earth-Land lookalikes. Others, however, are much the same. In Edos, due to lack of magic supply, all the magic guilds have been disbanded, except Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail remains as an illegal dark guild. After realizing this Fairy Tail isn't the one they are looking for, Natsu, Wendy, and the two cats leave for the Royal city to save their friends who have become Lacrama. They have to hurry though because it won't be long before their friends get turned into magic energy. They meet up with Lucy on their way and find out she can use her celestial spirits still, but not why.
After arriving in the Royal city, Carla starts "remembering" how the castle is set up, even though she has never been there before. She comes up with a plan to sneak into the castle. Unfortunately, it was a trick, and without meaning to, Carla accomplishes her mission and the two dragon slayers and Lucy are captured. Carla and Happy are brought to a place where their kind, called Exceeds, exists. Supposedly, the Exceeds are above the humans. Rumor is, they decide which humans live and which humans die. Here, The two cats are congratulated on completing their mission. When it is understood that Carla and Happy don't really understand what their mission was, it is explained to them. Apparently, a hundred Exceed eggs were sent to Earth-Land to kill the dragon slayers. Happy was supposed to kill Natsu and Carla was supposed to kill Wendy. However, plans were changed and the cats were supposed to be "reprogrammed" to capture the dragon slayers instead. Apparently, changing the plans from such a distance had unforeseen effects, including Happy's loss of all knowledge of the mission. Because the plans changed from kill to capture, it caused the cats to desire to protect the dragon slayers, which at least in Carla and Happy's case, bonded them to the dragon slayers. After learning their true purpose, Carla and Happy flee the Exceeds kingdom.
Meanwhile, Gajeel is also on Edos and finds the Edos version of himself. Working together they manage to free Grey and Erza from the Lacrama. The cats, Erza, and Grey meet up inside the castle and help free Natsu, Wendy, and Lucy. Afterwards they give Natsu and Wendy the pills so the two can use their powers. Unfortunately for them, time is running out. A dragon chain cannon is about to be fired at the lacrama that is their friends, to send the thing into the Exceeds kingdom and destroy both. In doing so, the power of the Earth-Land people and the power of the Exceeds is supposed to increase. After several battles and a clever trick, Erza, Natsu, and Grey end up in the control room. Unfortunately, they are not able to change the direction of the cannon and it hits the lacrama driving it towards the Exceeds. In a desperate attempt to save their friends and the Exceeds, Natsu, Erza, and Grey try to stop the Lacrama  by pushing with their bare hands. Go figure, it doesn't really work. Fortunately, Wendy has gone to warn the Exceeds and when the Exceeds find out the humans are trying to destroy them, the Queen reveals the truth about herself and her abilities. The Exceeds band together and help push the Lacrama and eventually suceed. Then there is a bunch of fighting. The Edos Fairy Tail shows up to help, Erza fights the other Erza for a second time, etc. The three dragon slayers end up fighting a fake dragon (how many fake dragons are they going to fight in this series?) that is controled by the king.
Then everything goes Code Geass. Well the idea is basically the same. Mystogen, who is actually an Edos prince who was in hiding, decided that he will use the same method that took Earth-Lands Fairy Tail in reverse to drain all the power from Edos. His hope is that without the magic in Edos, the fighting can end. Why I say it goes Code Geass is because Mystogen (whos real name is Jellal by the way) decides he will sacrafice himself for peace basically the same way Lelouch does in Code Geass. His plan is for an old friend to take him out in front of the public, point him out as the reason for their loss of magic, and execute him. Basically, make him the bad guy and take the blame for all the bad, then kill him so everyone can have peace. Sound familiar? Well, in this case, his friend doesn't go along and offers to revearse the roles. Before they can make a decision, Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy come to the rescue.

Now how the hell they figured out what was going on and what needed to be done, I don't know.
((((Side note- it took me this long, till episode 94, to realize the connection between Mystogen and Jellal was that Mystogen was the Edos version of Earth-land Jellal, only he had taken on the name Mystogen when he came to Earth-land to hide and close the Anima. It seriously took me this long to figure out how the hell two people who looked a like and had the same name were not the same person. Mystogen was originally from Edos, we found this out episodes ago. We also know that everyone from Earth-land has a lookalike in Edos quite a while ago. So where was my brain?)))))) Back to before, how they knew what was going on, I don't know. Natsu decided he would make himself the "sacrifice". He stood on a roof and told the people of Edos that he was a demon. He wore a costume to help convince them and breathed fire. Wendy and Gajeel were on the street saying they were demons too. The three told everyone that they were the cause of the magic being drained from Edos and set it up so that Mystogen/Jellal and his friend wouldn't have to sacrifice anything and Mystogen/Jellal could be the hero. Jellal "beat" Natsu in a fist fight. We don't really know what happened to them after that because the reverse Anima sucked all the Earth Land people up and back to Earth Land. It also took the Exceeds since they were magical and the Anima was taking everything magical. After that, we learned the Exceeds lied.....again. There was never a mission to destroy dragon slayers; it was an attempt to save the children because the queen prophesied the fall of the Exceed kingdom.
Everyone arrives safely back on Earth-Land. The guild members who were in the Lacrama have no memory of it. Gajeel gets a cat of his own, turns out the dude is a major softy. Well, he is when it comes to jealousy and cats anyway. His cat found a strange person though which turns out to be none other than Lasala. I'm sure I spelled that wrong along with a lot of other things too. I'm not going to look up how to spell every little thing. Anyway, turns out Lasala never died. She got sucked into a random Anima and replaced the one in Edolas who did die. The reverse Anime brought her back to Earth-Land and we have a happy ending.

Only parts of the story were interesting to me. The plot twists weren't very smooth, and honestly, you can only put a certain amount in before it starts getting old. Basically, being unpredictable becomes predictable. Not only did it feel like there were a few too many, but like I said, they weren't smooth. They felt somewhat confusing or they required a lot of explaining. It was kind of like the first bit was already written then the writer decides to try to pull off a plot twist. It isn't set up for the plot twist and it means a lot of explaining. I think a few less surprises would have been more effective.
There were several cliche bits in my opinnion. Note, I'm not saying cliches are bad, especially since they are nearly unavoidable, just saying they exist. You have the guy who says he's trying to make the world a better place but in reality he is an insane guy whos power hungry and bent on changing the world all the wrong ways. You also have the guy who realizes a sacrifice on which all the blame for the bad things is placed is the way to fix things. It's a less common one but I've seen it done enough times.

It's not the most amazing story of the series, but it's okay. It has it's share of touching, sad, comical, and memorable moments. Even though it's not the most exciting story in my opinion, it does further the development of the characters in an important way. Of course, that's only after you sort out everything that is revealed.

On a side note, I GET IT!! Wait, nvm, I forgot what I got.

Jun 10, 2014

Fairy Tail Season 1 Final Review

The show wasn't very interesting to start with. Actually, I stopped watching after four episodes and waited weeks before starting again. I only started watching again because I didn't feel like debating with myself over what to watch next. I don't like making decisions.
At first, the whole thing just seemed stupid. The characters were morons running a muck around a strange place. There was pretty much never a serious moment either. Anything funny was lost due to the static unchanging mood of the episodes. It was like a bad joke if you asked me. On top of that, the style seemed a lot like One Piece, which I never cared for either. In other words, the beginning was terrible.
Honestly, I had no hope for the show. Even as I continued watching a few more episodes, I could see what people liked about the show. I didn't think it would have a chance with me even if the ending was perfect. I gave it a chance anyway, and it did start to get better. I believe it was the event on the island where they took the S class mission that truly started to change my mind. It seemed like the first time that a scene was ever serious without some stupid interuption. The development of Grey's character really began at that time. In fact, all the main characters started to truly develop into more than just stupid morons running a muck in some magical world. They actually proved they have a brain in their skulls. The mood of the show began to change throughout episodes. There were comical moments, sad moments, etc. It wasn't just the same thing constantly. It took a while, but I finally started to like the show.
I didn't really get hooked on until Natsu and Gajeel went at each other. Natsu showed he was more than just a lucky idiot. 
My only big issue with the show now is Natsu's status. I don't know that "Status" is the right word, but it's what I got. Natsu is obviously very powerful. He is one of the dragon slayers that are so feared and respected. He main not be the brightest bulb in the pack most of the time, but when push comes to shove, he really is strong and capable. Already he has brought down many opponents. It seems other people see this strength too. They talk about him being the one who can defeat this and defeat that, etc. We have even seen him take on his true form. Still, he isn't an S class member, in fact he doesn't even seem to rank high at all. Whenever he faces someone just for fun, he gets beaten withing five seconds, if that. I can guess that he probably isn't an S class member because his friends are part of why he succeeds, he isn't very smart often times, and he only seems to be strong when he is in a pinch. Still, I think friends are a strength and a weapon. Even if they are the reason he succeeds, not everyone can pull off what he does. As for his lack of intelligence, he has friends, and he always seems to get out of whatever the hell he gets himself into. He has the power within him and he can use it if he needs too. He has his true form, except he hasn't used it since the one time. All the things he has thrown at his opponents, and yet during the battle at the end of the season, he is still using the same basic tricks as always. He could do so much more and he doesn't. I get that it worked better with the story, but that just means there is something wrong with the story line. Either he is strong and powerful or he isn't. Either he has this deadly power or he doesn't. He shouldn't have been so easy to knock down. He wouldn't have been if he used his full strength. My point is, it doesn't make sense. It's inconsistent. It just doesn't fit together.

One of my smaller issues with the show is not ending things. My biggest annoyance with this was the episode where they switched bodies. It never seemed to finish. Either that, or there was an episode missing. Not only that, but if Loki was a spirit, is it even possible for him to be switched? There were some other less noticeable and less annoying moments where it seemed like there was supposed to be more and there wasn't. but that was the most bothersome one.

One of the last things on my list to mention is episode 41. I swear that episode should win the award of most endings in one episode! I don't think that award exists, but it should just for this episode. I think there must have been like ten times where it felt like an ending to something. It was ridiculous! I didn't hate it, I'm just saying it was crazy.

Overall, it got off to a bad start, but it wasn't a total waste of time. It took it's time, but it did get interesting. I definitely plan to keep watching. I don't rate individual seasons, and if I did I don't know what I would rate this. It started off being almost too annoying to watch. At first, I just wanted to stop giving it a chance and punch it already. It turned out to be pretty cool though.