Jun 16, 2014

Black Lagoon Review

This includes bother seasons of Black Lagoon.

In the way of plot, there isn't much of one. It's more action and well, action, and less story. It's 24 episodes of different conflicts involving the same characters. Despite this, I think it's a rather good show. There may not be much of a plot, but there is plenty of suspense and energy. Sometimes, a solid plot isn't necessary, and I think this is one of those times. I really enjoyed watching it and I got a real kick out of a lot of the episodes. Without any real plot, it can seem "slow" at times. Every episode or every few episodes is an entirely different conflict, unconnected to the previous except for characters and some elements of setting. The whole time, the character "Rock" is standing on the line between the normal "light" side of life that he used to have as a business man, and the underground, criminal, "dark" life he has recently dived into. Granted, he never does anything really bad like kill or steal with his own hands, but he isn't innocent either. He has trouble deciding which route he wants to take. He can't seem to completely leave his old life behind him, but he doesn't really want to go back either. He likes this new life, but he is afraid to continue.

He refuses to remove his collared shirt and his tie, he won't hold a gun, and he often seems to soft for such work. Personally, if I were him, I would reconsider the no weapon thing, especially after almost being cut to bits by a chainsaw.
If he does ever change his mind, the series doesn't last long enough to show it. Personally, I would have liked the series to go on longer. It feels incomplete, though that is partially due to lack of plot I imagine. It was also exciting which makes me want to watch more. Unfortunately, there is no more. It's another show that should have had another season, or several more.
The main weapons are guns, though torpedoes, swords, canons, grenades, and bombs are used. I'm not really a fan of guns, however, that didn't bother me with this show. It almost makes me want to go all criminal. I would probably be better at it than Rock. At least I'd be willing to hold a weapon.
While it was still a more modern time setting, it wasn't so techy that I got confused, which was nice. The more technology talk there is, the less I understand. Of course, these are criminals who mainly are involved in shipping cargo, not hackers or secret organizations or anything like that.

Black Lagoon certainly has some interesting characters. For one thing, you have a "church" with ass kicking, gun shooting, booze drinking, smoking, drug selling, swearing nuns. These are not your typical nuns. These are way cooler. This might even be the best part of the whole freakin series.

There is also a freakin terminator-like maid with a gun disguised as a freakin umbrella! This woman does not die. She only shows up for a few episodes, but she ain't human. What I want to know is, why didn't the bar tender have milk when she was there, but did later when those other two guys were.

Dutch is the big tough black guy who basically runs the "shipping" company. Revy or Two hands is a badass gunwoman. We don't know anything about Dutch really.

We know Revy had a hard childhood and grew up with a gun. We know she is Chinese American and she has a temper. Other than Rock, she is the only person with any part of their past known to us. Hers is more childhood though while what we know of Rock is more recent.

Benny is basically the tech guy for the company. He works all the tech stuff and, like Rock, doesn't carry a gun. Unlike Rock though, he usually isn't in a situation where he needs one. We don't really know much about this guy except that he isn't the fighting killing type, and like Rock, he was taken in because he had no where else to go.
Rock is well, Rock. They never do tell us why he was given that nick name. We don't know a whole lot about his past, just that he doesn't get along with his family and his boss basically left him for dead. He doesn't carry a gun and he won't get rid of his damn suit either. He makes a great babysitter for human cargo though, especially the children.

Anyway, I give it a four out of five just for being so cool. I can't complain about the ending really because without much of a plot, there isn't really much of an ending. In fact there wasn't an ending. I mean the show ended, but that doesn't mean it had an ending. I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes action and crazy nuns but doesn't mind the lack of character development or plot. 

There isn't a whole lot of gore, even though people die. There is a lot of blood, but you don't really watch people die in detail. It's not very sexual or romantic or anything like that. You do have some modern day Hitler worshipers, mention of child abuse, and drugs. There are a lot of weapons and violence, but like I said, it's not gory. There is a lot of swearing. However, chopping off limbs, shooting guns, and swearing is about as far as it goes. So if you don't want gore or sex, then your fine.  Basically, it's just action and fighting. Oh, and there is the mafia.

One last thing. I just want to point out that this is badass AWESOME.

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