Jun 1, 2014

Dusk Maiden of Amnesia/ Tasogare Otome x Amnesia Review

For someone who isn't crazy about short animes, I sure have been watching a lot of them. I'm glad I watched this one though. I was uncertain when I started the first episode, but it got better. The second episode confused me though. It turned out, the second episode wasn't what confused me, the first episode was. After the first episode, it went to a part of the story before the first episode and I never really figured out where the first episode fit in the storyline.
The story is basically about a ghost that died on school grounds sixty years ago that haunts the school. She has no memory of how she died or anything. She meets a first year student and she gets him to help her start a paranormal investigation club to work on finding out what happened to her. As they spend time searching the school for paranormal things, the boy and girl fall in love with each other. Eventually, they figure out why she doesn't remember anything and what happened in her past. I won't say any more in case you haven't actually watched the show yet.
The show is a bit dark but also a bit comical. It's rather serious however, there are still plenty of laughable moments. There is a mystery to be solved, some romance, some nakedness, some psychological issues and talk, and a little bit of a star crossed lover idea. The ghost in the story isn't necessarily how we normally think of ghosts. She can't fly or walk through walls or do anything that living humans can't do. The only differences between her and the living is that only some people can see her, she doesn't need food or sleep, and she doesn't age. Teiichi, the boy she falls in love with, is one of the people who can see her. He was made aware of her when walking through the old school building and looking in a mirror then turning around. His awareness of her was deep enough that he didn't lose the ability to see her. Another character and member of the club, Kirie, can also see her because she is related to her. Kiries grandmother is Yuuko's, the ghosts, younger sister. The other member, Momoe, is the only member of the group who is not able to see Yuuko. Supposedly, if one is aware of Yuuko's existence and their awareness is deep enough, they can see her, however they will see her how they expect to. Even though Momoe is told about Yuuko, apparently she isn't aware enough to actually see Yuuko.
As I said, the show is dark in content. There is good against evil involving the pure Yuuko who has no impure emotions and can't remember her past, and the shadow Yuuko who harbors all the pain and impure emotions as well as the memories. The way she died is a rather sad unfortunate story though I'm not going to tell it to you. Some spiritual things are also included. The school was actually built on top of a mountain shrine and the shrine still exists below the old school building. This fact comes in to play when we learn about Yuuko's death.
The whole show isn't super gloomy though. Yuuko loves to mess with Teiichi. Teiichi doesn't exactly know how to deal with girls and gets embarrassed sometimes, especially when he accidentally grabs Yuukus chest. Momoe is a rather simple minded girl who gets scared easily and admires Teiichi and all that Teiichi does. Kirie acts tougher than she is. She acts like she isn't scared of anything but then ends up crying over a rat and falling down. She also doesn't see herself as very feminine. It all makes for some funny moments.
The mystery of course is finding out Yuukos past and why she doesn't remember. Later in the series, a second but related mystery appears as the group tries to figure out the connection between the Yuuko they know and the shadow Yuuku.
It's not a majorly romantic show. For one thing, these kids aren't old enough to be too romantic. Most of the real romance happens towards the end between Teiichi and Yuuko. In a way, they are somewhat star crossed lovers. Humans and ghosts aren't meant to be together. Ghosts are simply humans who can't leave the human world because of unfinished business. It's hard for the two to really date since Yuuko can't leave school grounds. It's also hard for her and Teiichi to interact in school unless they are alone because most people can't see Yuuko so it would be odd if Teiichi started kissing air. Whether they can continue their relationship or not isn't known. Unlike Yuuko, Teiichi will age and it will be hard for him to stay on school grounds forever. They would never have children either. It's possible they find ways to overcome these issues. I prefer to think that they do because that makes for a sweeter story. Perhaps their love is strong enough the Teiichi won't care about those problems.
One of the main things that bothers me is how the things Yuuko does are only noticed sometimes. For instance, when she knocks on night watch door, the man inside heard her. During gym class, Teiichi accidently throws the ball to Yuuko and Yuuko throws it in the hoop. Then she tackles Teiichi. Mean while the rest of the class acts as if Teiichi must have been the one moving the ball like that and assume him laying on the ground flailing around must be the effect of making such a shot. How do they not understand how unlikely that is? Still, the point I was making was they saw the ball. However, whenever Yuuko is pulling Teiichi by the arm down the hall, no one seems to notice that he is running with his arm outstretched as if being pulled. Sure, everyone has heard the ghost stories, but it's as if no one even notices. Another time, Yuuko is carrying cotton candy down the hallway and no body notices the floating cotton candy? No one thinks it's a little odd when cotton candy floats down the hall. It's almost as if sometimes any object she is moving or holding becomes as unnoticeable as she is. Other times, it's as if this school needs to educate their students better because clearly they do not understand the laws of science especially physics! Though apparently, at least Momoe, understands that hair does not suddenly stick up on it's own. She gets scared when Yuuko pulls up Teiichis hair. I really do have to wonder how it works though. I mean if the things that aren't a part of her or at least a part of who she was are visible to others even if they can't see her, then when she wears clothes that aren't hers, people should see it right? If only those aware enough or open minded enough can see her moving objects or holding things, then how come everyone in the gym class notices the ball? The rules never seem to be very clear when it comes to these issues.
Another thing that bothers me is what do Teiichi's parents think. I suppose they think the club just runs really late when he doesn't come home till dark, but what about when he is there all night. I never see him pull out his cell and call his parents.

Spoiler alert!!

 I give the ending an A. I can hate or love a show based on it's ending. I'm big on endings. I don't like a lot of questions left. I want the story to feel like it's closed. I want closure.
I feel like this show actually ended twice. If you haven't read the show, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER THAN THIS. STOP READING NOW!
The "first ending" was heartbreaking. Let me put it this way, I don't cry during movies, tv, or books. The only time I had tears fall from my eyes over a movie was at the end of the third Lord Of The Rings movie. I've had my eyes water a little a few other times, but no tears fell. Well this ending I came pretty close to tears falling while watching. Teiichi and Yuuku were on a date and they were having so much fun. The mysteries surrounding Yuuku were gone and her memories returned. Her dark half had joined her pure half and everything was fine. They could finally be happy. Unfortunately, it was because they were happy, because they solved the mysteries and put Yuuku at ease, that meant Yuukus time was ending. She started moving through objects and becoming faint. If the fact she had to go wasn't bad enough, Teiichi was unwilling to let her go. Yuuku wanted him to just leave before it happened but he couldn't. Watching them write back and forth again because Teiichi could no longer hear Yuuko, was touching. They shared a long kiss......and she was gone. He just stayed there for who knows how long. Of course they couldn't be together. She was a ghost. The purpose of being a ghost was to finish business that was left unfinished at death, not get a second chance at life. Yuukos last request was that Teiichi forget about her and find someone else to love and move on with life. She didn't want him to remember her. She wanted him to be happy and able to find someone to love that he could be with forever. Once she was gone, he locked up his memories of her and put them away because that was what Yuuko wanted him to do.Still, the two loved each other. It wasn't fair. Like Romeo and Juliet, love was not enough. They were unable to be together...

Except perhaps I should say like Katniss and Peeta (they were refereed to as star crossed lovers in the book as well but found a way for both of them to live, sort of). The "second ending" was even better than the first. I would have considered it a fine ending if it had ended after the "first ending", but I'm also happy that it didn't. It made it even better. It turned out that because of that last kiss, Yuuku ended up returning. The love between the two made new unfinished business I guess which meant she had to come back to the human world. They were able to be together! It was a shocker but a pleasant one. Of course, I don't know if they were able to stay together forever, since she was still a ghost who probably still couldn't leave school grounds. I suppose you could say there were questions left unanswered, but I feel like those questions are irrelevant. For one thing, I'm not sure I really want the answer. I would prefer to just believe they made it work some how and leave it at that. Secondly, questions of what would follow weren't really approached during the story so I don't think there was any reason to expect answers. I feel like there was closure. The story had a beginning, middle, and end, or two ends. My point is, it had what was necessary. If the show itself wasn't five star in my opinion, then the ending made it five star. That's what I give it. :)

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