Jun 9, 2014

Fairy Tail Episodes 5-20

I don't really have much to say about episodes 5-10. I'm just glad it is finally taking a more serious tone. When they acted like idiots the whole time I couldn't take a word they said seriously. Not only that, but if you ask me, making everything constantly light hearted kinda makes it, well nothing. Light hearted and funny is the opposite of dark, tense, and scary. But in order to have an opposite, you have to have two things. It's opposite gives it meaning and existence. The way I see it, you have to have a little of both. They feed off each other. They balance it. By having both, the effect of each one seperately is much greater than if you only have one. I can't put it into words very well obviously, but my point is, I don't like songs that play the same damn note over and over and over. It's not a song. It's a note dragged on forever. I'm not sure that made anymore sense either.

Anyways, I should get to why I really started this post. Episode 15 is the problem. The question is why? Gray says that he needs to tell the guy that their old master is still alive, but when he gets there, he doesn't tell him. Instead he goes trying to sacrafice himself. Now wait just a damn minute! Did he seriously go on about that story for the majority of the episode to explain why he needed to tell the guy their master wasn't dead, just so he could burst in there, not tell him, and try to die???!!!! That just doesn't make sense!! Am I missing something? Also, does anyone else realize that he seems to manage to keep his clothes on during serious moments? How peculiar.
Of course, Natsu and Grey are a lot closer than they pretend to be. Natsu wasn't going to let Grey die.
Sadly, after all that build up, the defeat of the demon was a let down. The thing was basically already dead! Boring.
Still, the show is getting better. It's far from the best and certainly not my favorite anime. On that note, once I finish it, I probably won't rewatch it.....unless it has some sort of amazing ending. Honestly though, you have to do better than this to pull off a great ending. At least it isn't so annoying anyway. The characters are developing and the funny parts are actually funny. There are some truly serious moments which is a nice break. It's kind of like comic relief, only in this case, it's the other way around.

Damn plot twists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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