Jun 8, 2014

Angel Beats Episode 1-6

Episode 1. CONFUSING. Honestly, I found the first episode to be confusing. I had to watch it twice, and still couldn't comprehend all of it. It's a lot of information to take in. The rules of the world are confusing too. Supposedly they live in this school, but they can't go to class or join clubs without getting obliterated. So what is the point of them being in the school? Why are there only young people in this afterlife? Why are there so few? Why did she say "don't be a model student" because some people get obliterated? If you can't do normal school things then you obviously aren't going to be a model student. And why do only some get obliterated for it? Wouldn't being a model student be playing by the rules? Or is playing by the rules what gets you obliterated? If so, then how long do you have to play by the rules? How come they can eat in the cafeteria but can't go to class? These NCP or whatever they are, why do they even exist? What is their purpose? I'm still kind of confused. I'm certainly interested in watching more of this.

Episode two didn't really help make sense of anything from episode one, but it was a good way to spend half an hour :)
It's interesting. They treat death somewhere between as if it were actual death and if it were a bruise. Apparently it does hurt to die, but surely it can't be too bad since it's short and the healing is so fast.
The whole "guild" thing was kind of confusing. If all these people are high school kids, and there is only this high school, where the hell do they get gunpowder and metal? It's not like a school would have such things. Schools aren't self-sufficient. That begs the question of where do they get their uniforms or food, and pretty much anything. On top of that, how do a bunch of high school kids have the memories and knowledge to build such a thing! Someone please explain to me how this works. Where do all of these things come from? For that matter, how did they manage to carve out that underground and build all those traps? This is confusing.
Okay, so it's obvious I should never get stuck in a situation like theirs because I would pay way too much attention to these things and probably wouldn't get any answers. 

Episode 3 offered a new way to get obliterated, or perhaps just cleared up a previous mentioned option. Of course, I thought it was kind of sad Iwasawa accepted her fate after her beautiful song. However, I love how the girl on the floor tripped the guy as if she was just grabbing a soda or something completely uninteresting. On the other hand, the hacker dude was a bit nuts. (Poor Noba brought down by Pie.) Then again, they all acted like a girls dorm room was some computer controlled high tech booby trapped fortress when it was just a girls dorm room. The picture that Otonashi imagined when they told him about it though totally made me think of Howls Moving Castle. So far the show has some seriousness and some comedy mixed together, which I like. It's not really dark, but it's crazy.

Episode four. Not much to say about it except it's the funniest one so far. The relationships between characters are developing more. Also apparently one can disappear if they do what they weren't able to do in real life. We still don't know exactly how any of them died. We only know some of there stories, but not the death. The anime short, so we probably won't know anyway. It looks like a lot of fun to be in this place. If this is the afterlife then I don't think I'd mind when my time came. Looks like fun!

Episode 5 is interesting. How on earth does Angel not hear them planning? It's not like they are whispering. They are just across the room! How does she not know something is up? Not to mention, they are all in their own uniform so she should be able to recognize Otonashi as one of them. How come they don't get in trouble for having the wrong uniform? (Apparently I do not understand the ways of Japanese school uniforms.) I mean seriously. These people couldn't sneak past a guy who was deaf and blind! It's hilarious to watch, but shouldn't they have at least made their plans before entering the testing room? Perhaps all of that just makes it more hilarious.
We do get to see a new side to Angel. After the mission miraculously succeeds, she is stripped of her position. So who is the enemy now. If they can't shoot the student council vice president, who are they fighting? Does someone else get Angels powers? Is Otonashi going to try to be friends with her? He certainly seems to care about her. He thinks of her more like a human that the others do. I'm not entirely sure if she is human though. I don't see how she is the only different one, not an NCP and not a dead person. After she lost her position though, she seemed like another normal girl.

Episode 6 is definitely the most serious and intense episode of this series so far. I'm not saying it was super intense, but it wasn't as comical as the others. The beginning had some funny moments. I loved when they were all acting "bad" in class. The one guy, I don't remember his name, was so excited over eating chips in class. It's not like the teacher seemed to care what they did. You get told you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't involve the Ncp's and you pick eating in class? How lame. Lame enough to be funny though. Noda's reaction when he got woken up was a little over the top. The ones playing a game in class totally reminded me of my Sophomore year in high school when my friend and I drew a board game on our desk (not on paper, on the actual desk) and played with erasers that looked like dice in the middle of class. Good times.
The story takes a slight turn when Otonashi tries to hang out with Angel and ends up locked up. Turns out, the vice president is actually, no I won't say it. Anyways, from there it got serious. I have to say, the ending with Otonashi embracing the vice president like that shook me a little. It's no tear jerker, but it's still enough to darken the mood. About half way through the series, I think it was about time for something like that.

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