May 28, 2014


I used to get annoyed because it seemed that every anime I watched, everyone was alive in the end (well almost everyone). I always wanted to know what happened to them after that. Now it seems every anime I watch, at least half of them are dead in the end. I can't say that I like that any better because it never goes the way I want it to and all of the deaths are still sad even if they aren't.
Bottom line, no anime, book, movie, tv show, or story will satisfy me. I'm going to stomp away mad or stare saddly no matter how you end the dern thing apparently. But stop dying sad deaths!

On another note, I think it's kind of annoying that the main character never dies before the very end. At least, I've never read or seen a story where the one does. I don't want them to die. I would probably get mad if they did, but at the same time, I wish it would happen. The problem is, no matter how bad things seem for the main character or how much it seems like the main character is dead or will be, I know they won't. They will be fine. I don't have to worry about them dying till it's almost over. If I were to see something where the main character didn't survive and main characters had to change, I wouldn't be able to be so certain that the main character wouldn't die in a different story before the end. It's only because I've never seen it happen that I know some how that person will live or be saved. I understand that if you are telling a story about someone then they can't die before the story is over, but for once I wish they would. Or not the main character, but one of those others. There are always certain characters you know for a fact aren't going to die. The writers will not kill them at least not until the end. Surprise me. I hate surprises but surprise me for once. Kill that person that everyone is sure will never be killed off. Kill that one person who everyone knows will make it till the end. When they fall off a cliff, leave them dead. It takes away from the story sometimes when I know the character wil be alright. Everyone fussing over the character seems dumb. If they are in a fight, the battle isn't as scarry because they can't be killed.

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