May 27, 2014

Code Geass Review

I  really really hate admitting this. I hate it, but I must or I would be I'm going to admit it now. Code Geass is, by my usual standards, nearly a perfect story presented almost perfectly. A masterpiece of writing or of whatever. With my normal standards for judging a story, it left me with very little to complain about. My main complaint was simply that people who have a tendancy to analyze and contemplate everything, people like me, probably shouldn't watch it unless we seriously want our minds fucked with and if we wish to deal with thoughts tumbling like crazy. It's a bit much for me. Everything presented and how it was presented, I think my head desired to burst a few times. However, that alone shows how well done it was. It really dug into my own emotions and thoughts and made me confront my own opinions and theories. A+ on that one. The ending felt like a real ending. According to my definition of a good ending, it was nearly perfect! I wasn't left with a bunch of questions at the end. I didn't feel like it was unfinished. It was heart breaking, sad, and depressing, while at the same time being uplifting, beautiful, and happy. The characters were anything but shallow. They were deep and real. In 50 episodes, the series managed to do more than some do in 100 episodes! The plot was often a surprise. There were lots of twists and turns in the story. I really cannot criticize much about this work, though generally I am very critical. I do want to discuss some things about this anime and it's comparison to some other animes and books I enjoy later though.
Overall, I give this a 5 out of 5!
I'll write more about this later.

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