May 9, 2014

Big O Rant/review Episodes 13-20

And the craziness begins! Seriously. What is with the red balloon?
So now we know there are foreign people and foreign megadeuses.
Episode 13. Confused again. I think the main goal of this show is to confuse you till you go crazy. If so, I give it an A+. Again, I do like this show, but I'm very confused and I can't remember if all this stuff gets explained later because I don't remember what happened. There is this whole assasin thing where they try to trick you into thinking it might be Dorthy with the OLDEST tricks in the book. Then there is a bunch about people born outside paradime and an old man growning synthetic tomatoes, an and old building. We see Angel dressed like the assassin but she isn't the assasin. Roger has a vission where megadueses are flying above and a group of young boys. Was that the cataclysmic event, the megadeuses? Whats all this talk of how to use the megadeuse correctly and does it control the user?
 Episode 14. What is going on? Roger is in a battle, but we get flashes of people, possibly what those people are currently doing, some of it from the past, all intermixed with the battle. Roger keeps asking who am I. Then he is in a subway station looking very unRoger-like with unshaven face, shirt half tucked in, and a dull look in his eyes and scratches on his shoes. He is in Para Dime but a different one where people didn't lose their memories. There are no domes, the subways are still used, the sky is bright blue with sun shine, nothing looks rundown or broken, lots of color and families and cars. Is this the past, how the city used to be? Is it how the city would have been if the memories were never lost? Is it the future? Did he pass out from blood loss? We don't know. Nor do we know what is up with what all those flashes of people were talking about. And then it goes to acting as if this were a play. A play with poor acting. Can this get anymore confusing. Is this what happened before the domes and memory loss? Is this who these people had been 40 years ago? Except then the old man says he lost his memory 40 years ago and Roger doesn't know of Big O. Eventually it goes back to the battle but may I just point out that NONE OF THAT MADE ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Episode 15. With all these giant robots walking around and popping out of the ground, how is any of the city still standing!!
What is with the tomatoes?? Why tomatoes?
And so now there are foreign countries and its common knowledge? And they have agents and Angel is an agent?
And Rosewater has a tempertantrum.
And so apparently there aren't other countries. The foreigners are just random people outside of this large city. Confusing!!!

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