May 27, 2014

Most Annoying, Mysteruous, Traitorous, and Funniest Anime Characters

Note 1: This is just my opinion.
Note 2: I only used Characters from shows I have seen and actually remember seeing. If I haven't watched it or watched it so long ago I don't remember it, then there won't be any characters from that anime.
Note 3: The characters are in alphabetical order based on the animes they come from, or at least close to alphabetical order. They are not in ordered by most to least or least to most!
 Note 4: I will add to the list as I watch new anime.

Most annoying characters

Kakunojo Yuyama (Intrigue in the Bakumatsu) - Honestly, I just find her character to be annoying. There is no clear reason why. Perhaps it's because she gets in the way or her feelings towards Yojiro. She's just annoying.
Tyson Granger (Beyblade)- He may be the main character, but he is annoying. For starters, like many of the characters in this show, the way he is drawn and the way his clothes are drawn are just weird. I honestly cannot stand to look at his pants. Who drew that? Who thought that was a good way to draw clothes on someone!? Aside from his clothes, his personality is just a bit irritating. 
Diethard Ried (Code Geass)- Why does this guy annoy me? Because he is so fickle, and so obvious about being so! He just goes to the side of the person who he thinks will make the best story! It's annoying. Get some loyalty dude! Stop running to the other side when it looks like your side isn't as good.
V.V. (Code Geass)- It's a guy. Again, another anime character who looks like a girl but is a guy. Also, he is the older brother to a gigantic man that towers above him. He is cocky and thinks he is all that. He likes to mess stuff up to.
Envy (FMA)- Does this guy actually do anything that isn't annoying. Just looking at him is annoying.
Gluttony (FMA) - What is this guys purpose? The dumb blob? Again, simply looking at him is annoying.
Bear (.Hack//Sign)- The character himself isn't really all that annoying, in fact I rather like him. He is wise and gentle and wants to help. What annoys me is the show makes this big moment about not knowing what job he does in the real world AND THEN IT NEVER TELLS US WHAT HIS JOB IS!!! Granted, I found it online, but still! How rude.
Jakotsu (Inuyasha)- If it looks like a girl, talks like a girl, acts like a girl, and walks like a girl, it must be a girl right? WRONG! It's a guy. Lets just see how much we can confuse people by making male characters seem like female characters. I guess next time I see something I think should be a duck, I better test it's DNA.
Naraku (Inuyasha)- This guy is a one trick pony. It's always the same with him. Diversions and traps, but never him. He never comes out, save for a few battles. He plays tricks and sets traps. He uses other people to do his bidding. He runs away whenever he thinks he is losing. It's the same thing over and over and over. After a while, you can basically guess what will happen during any conflict with him. All he knows how to do is set traps and use others. He is a coward and he is weak. I swear I could just squeeze that damn head of his right off his neck!
Lord Furter (Oban Star Racers)- Look at his face........
Susumu Yamazaki (PMK)- He is rude to his sister who loves and cares for him and ends up being the indirect reason she gets killed. He acts like he doesn't need anyone and his attitude is just frustrating. He gets better during the last few episodes, but still, he is annoying the rest of the time.
Aoshi Shinomori (Rurouni Kenshin)- Waaaayyyy to serious. Get a life! He needs to get over the past and stop being such a hard headed idiot. Even once he stops being such an idiot, then all he does is sit in a shrine all day long and still doesn't try to make friends or anything. Eventually him and Kenshin have a very odd day of "hanging out", but aside from that, he seriously needs a life.
Hajime Saitou (Rurouni Kenshin)- Jerk. 
Tea Gardier (Yu-Gi-Oh)- She is not a freakin narrator!!! This girl needs to shut up. She talks way too much and every time that mouth opens, something ridiculous pours out. No, I really don't care what you have to say girl. I don't want to hear your every thought about Yugi and everyone else or all your crap about friendship. uggg..
Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh)- Guy can't get a hold of himself. He is just not necessary if you ask me.
Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh)- This guy cannot get over himself and over being the best. He is obsessed. He doesn't know how to play fair or work as a team either. He refuses to believe what is right in front of his eyes. He keeps trying to beat Yugi but not in a friendly competition way, in an obsessed with power way. He doesn't listen to reason and insists on doing everything on his own. He wants no help from Yugi. Even when he agrees to work as a team, he isn't a good teammate. If it weren't for his and Yugi's skill, I doubt they would ever be able to beat anyone together because his team work skills need major help. The whole series, all I want to do is put my hands around his neck, lift him up, and shake him like a freakin shake weight.

Most Traitorous

Sakyounosuke Kanna (Intrigue in the Bakumatsu) - He switches sides all the time. He doesn't really know where he belongs. He is partially Japanese and partially British. Because of this, he doesn't seem to know where his loyalties lie, though he is supposed to be working for the queen.
Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)- Born Britannian royalty but deserted in Area 11 (Japan), he starts out as Britannian but then goes on to lead the Black Knights which is a rebel force fighting Britannian control. I don't want to say too much about it, but if you have watched the show, you know how he goes back and forth. Until the end, it's never truly clear that he is actually the good guy. He may be a traitor, but he had some of the best possible reasons.
Suzaku Kururgi (Code Geass)- Originally Japanese, he becomes a citizen of Britannia and fights to protect Britannia. Unknowingly, he fights against his once best friend, Lelouch. He is considered a traitor for supporting Britannia. Again, I don't want to go any farther than that, but he to changes sides.

Most mysterious/confusing characters

Mei Misaki (Another)- Is she real? Is she a ghost? I'm not going to tell you. Throughout the series, many mysteries surround her. Is she real? Is she related to the girl who died 27 years ago? Is she that girl? Is she dead? What's beneath her eye patch? What is her eye able to do and how? What does she think of Kouichi? How is she connected to the events happening? So many questions. It isn't until the end that we really get a decent sense of who she is. It builds up throughout the series.
Yojiro Akizuki (Intrigue in the Bakumatsu)- His true feelings deep within his heart are unknown to us. Whether he truly is as simple minded and cold as he seems is uncertain. Whether he has any feelings for the others is hard to tell. Does he really only care about his one mission? Does he not feel a need for human companionship. Is he really so blank and cold? Who is he really? What happened in his past? What are his true feelings? It's like we never really get to know him very well.
Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)- I can't say too much without giving things away, but Lelouch is confusing. Up until the end, it's hard to tell his true nature and true goal. It's hard to decide if he is the good guy or the bad guy. His friend is the same way. At the very end, his true self becomes clearer. His true feelings and his true nature are more visible. Throughout the series, he breaks sometimes from his cool, cold, collected mask. However, it's still hard to decide which is the real him. Does he actually care about the others or is he like a sociopath. What is hiding beneath that mask of boredom and calmness? Is he good or evil?
Tsukasa (.Hack//Sign)- To start off with, we don't know for sure whether it is a girl or boy or how he got trapped. We don't know what happened to him to make him the way he is. He is a strange character with little to no social skill or perhaps no desire to bother with it. He is awkward in interaction. However, like many of the characters, we don't know much about his life outside of the game. We get a few flashbacks that aren't very clear, but not much more.
Alice (Heaven's Memo Pad) - How old is she? She looks young, but she isn't in school. Why does she hide in her apartment room? Is she afraid of the outdoors, agoraphobic perhaps? Who knows. We know she is strange. She is easily embarrassed when shown love or kindness. She is bossy and apparently the head of the team. She doesn't like to bathe or wash her sheets and she has a ton of stuffed animals. She keeps the room dark, doesn't eat much solid food, drinks one drink, and basically exists on her bed. We may know all of this but the why to it is a mystery. Why does she hide in that room? Why are the lights usually off? Is she an adult like the others or only 12 or 13 like she looks. It doesn't say. She is just a very strange character.
Souji Okita (PMK)- Sweet and fun loving is Okitas usual nature, but he is deadly with a sword. He says that Hijikata made a mistake or at least the Hijikata thinks he made a mistake when he gave Okita a sword at nine years old. We never get a clear answer as to why this is a mistake or what happened that was so bad. Okita may be deadly, but you wouldn't guess it if you met him on the street. He is kind and loves to joke around. However, he is thoughtful and intelligent when he talks to Tatsunosuke. He is cunning and tricky when he convinces Hijikata to do something. He is serious and deadly during a battle and ready and willing to kill without hesitation. He loves children though and acts like a kid himself. He also doesn't act very mannly, another reason you would never guess he was good with a sword. His hair is long and he doesn't walk in pants (or whatever they are called) and he doesn't carry his sword unless on duty. He likes candy and enjoys smiling and even sort of walks like a girl sometimes. At first, I couldn't figure out if he was a girl or boy. We never really know what his past is like and why he understands Tetsu so well. We don't get a lot of explanations about him. It's obvious there is more to who he is than what we see, it's just not clear what that is.
Toshimaro Yoshida (PMK)- What is confusing is his similarity to Hijikata. It's hard to tell who is who. I often wondered if perhaps Hijikata didn't want Tetsu because he was actually the one who killed Tetsus family and Tetsu had confused the two people. They aren't just similar in looks either. Though Yoshida encourages his page to carry a sword, both have pages that they try to keep safe in a way. Their pages are the same age and both pages are pages because they lost family. Both men are leaders of groups as well.
Toshizou Hijikata (PMK)- same as above
Amon (Witch Hunter Robin) - What do we really know about this guy? What do we really know about his past or his relationship with Robin? Why does he decide to be responsible for Robin and let her live when she is what he claims to hate? What happened in his past? He is so dark and so little is known about him. He is in and out and his relationships with the other characters are complicated. We also have no idea what happens to him in the end.
Kiba (Wolfs Rain)- I don't like Kiba. I don't really understand him either. I don't get who he is and why. To me he is just confusing and I don't like him enough to try to figure out why.

Funniest Characters

Ryu Granger (Beyblade) - The old funny person. So many animes have a crazy old guy or girl and they always get a good laugh out of me.
Stanely A Dickinson (Beyblade)- Another crazy old guy. They way he tricks the team and plays games is why I like him.
Loyd Asplund (Code Geass)- Science loving sociopath who doesn't care if he is rude. He is obsessed with his work and a little crazy, but that makes him funny.
Edward Elric (FMA)- What to do if you see Ed.: Make a short joke. He gets so riled up. I have to admit I'm guilty of doing the same thing but watching him do it is fun. Poor guy being so short, and of course he had to put his brother in a really tall suit of armor. He can be serious and grim, but he can be funny too.
Mirouku (Inuyasha)- Pervert. His perverted ways make for a good laugh whether it's women smacking him or him failing to get a woman, or whatever. He gets himself into plenty of trouble with that hand.
Kouga (Inuyasha)- Watching him and Inuyasha fight and get jealous is just fun. The two can be so clueless sometimes and rather hard headed. Kouga goes after Kagome even though it's clear he has no chance.
Hakkaku (Inuyasha)- Part of Kougas group, he is better with Kagome sometimes but otherwise him and his compannion are often getting in trouble or being left behind. The joke is usually on them.
Kagomes Grandfather (Inuyasha)- Crazzy old guy. You got to love them.
Totosai (Inuyasha)- Old, crazy, forgetful, and yet wise, at least when he remembers. Rides a bull in the sky and drives inuyasha crazy. A funny character indeed.
Saizo (PMK)- This pig is very expressive. He also loves to cause trouble for Tetsu. He can be used for jokes like when Okita put him on Tatsus head.
Heisuke Todo (PMK)- The youngest of the three crazy trouble makers, he loves cute things and often gets in trouble with his two friends.
Ryoma Sakamoto (PMK)- The guy is probably insane, or perhaps he hit his head a few too many times. He drives Tatsu crazy with his wild and dangerous ways.
Sanosuke Harada (PMK)- Part of the group of three troublemakers he joins in sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and getting in trouble with his friends. He plays pranks with his friends and even jokes when fighting off people in the streets.
Shinpachi Nagakura (PMK)- The shortest of the three trouble makers and always wearing something on his nose, he takes a liking to Tetsu and often sticks his nose into Tetsus business.
Tatsunosuke Ichimura (PMK)- Possibly the biggest worry wart ever, he is always trying to keep Tetsu safe and out of trouble. Unfortunately for him, Tetsu is always wandering off and worrying his older brother. Tatsu is often giving over the top elaborate apologies while forcing Tetsu into a bow. He can also be seen running madly down the street. It's amazing he has any nerves left.
Joey Wheeler (Yu-gi-oh)- He isn't always smart or clever but that's what makes him funny. He is the one who gets in trouble or over his head. He also has a bit of a temper and easily irritated which gets him into messes plenty.

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