May 9, 2014

Big O Review Episode 1-12

 I imagine at least some of the following is explained later in the series. I have watched the whole series before but that was at least 7 years ago and I don't remember what happened. Therefor I'm reviewing as if I never saw it before because I don't remember enough of it to do otherwise.
I do like this show, but a lot of it never made much sense to me. Supposedly, 40 years ago everyone lost their memories. Only this one place exists, at least to the knowledge of the characters. If foreign countries do exist, then there is no contact with them. Apparently, they have androids, megaduses, fancy watch looking devices, video communication in their cars, and so on and so forth, but no computers that have google. Or did all the computers lose their memory too? One would think there would still be books and websites and artifacts to tell them about the past. It should be almost impossible not to know. The way they make it sound, everyone just woke up one day without any memory of the past. Some of them do apparently find bibles and there is at least one holiday similar to one we all know. However, if everyone just "woke up one day without any memory", first of all, there should have been chaos for some time. Second of all, how would they have managed to organize a police force. How would anyone have known how to mend clothes. How would anyone have known how to make clothes. How would they know how to speak. Yes, the brain is capable of handling many things. Eventually, there would be a language and government. Erasing memory doesn't erase human nature. But it wouldn't necessarily end up being any previously existing language since language is learned. Also, unless somehow it was destroyed, there would be books if not computers. There would be history books and math books and books about cultures and countries and how to farm and how to build etc. Obviously they have some knowledge. They would have to in order to keep civilization as it looks. Did whatever took their memory away only take certain types of memories. Something was left because otherwise, all they would have is what they were born with and what they could gather from surroundings. Though I guess if they have no memory whatsoever, it argues my earlier point about books because they wouldn't be able to read them. They have to have some memory because the saxophone player could read old sheet music and those people that sung in the church could read the religious songs. Basically, none of it makes any sense. Forty years isn't enough to go from caveman to technology genius. Which if they had lost all memory, is pretty much what they would have been doing.
Also, what is up with the domes? Why are some parts of the city in domes? Why is there never any sun? Also they talk about how cats and dogs are rare and we also can tell just by looking that plants are too. If that's the case, what happened to the dogs and cats. I can see how human kind could have killed much of the plant life before memories were lost, but what happened to the cats and dogs? And if cats and dogs are rare, they why aren't other animals? Obviously they have to have farms with plants and animals somewhere and people with the knowledge to farm or else they wouldn't have food and drink. They have to have factories somewhere too, but most of what I see is skyscrapers and city buildings. So where does their food come from. Electric city had some forest, are there other places with forests and things. Are animals just rare in the city? And if there is a place called electric city, is it ruled by the same government? Is it part of Para dime? Why weren't there any domes there? Are there more cities like that one. Are there ones for water purification, farming, factories, etc? What happened to cell phones and radios and CD's? They have generators and giant robots and all sorts of things that are rather advance technology either standard in our present day or beyond our current technology, but then they are lacking technology that the real world has had for decades.There are just so many holes. I cannot believe that if this is their reality, that so many people are satisfied in not having answers to these questions. That only a few people like that reporter want the truth.
Another confusing thing is the topic of memories. Okay, so some people regain some of their memory. After forty years, I don't know how likely it is the brain would regain memory, but that that's not what confuses me. Sometimes they talk about memories as in what is in our hippocampus, in our mind, and other times they talk about it as an object like a computer memory. They talk about so and so ragaining his memory, but then they talk about selling memories and gathering them. Do they call knowledge about the past memories as well as what is in the mind? When Angel complains Rogers destroying the memories, he isn't destroying a persons mind. Is there a box full of computer memory disk things that he is punching??? Or is it knowledge that he is destroying. Is he destroying paper and computers and artifacts?
What about the sea? We see the sea (haha) surrounding buildings. Were those buildings on lower ground? Did the ice caps melt and raise the water levels to cover all that? How do some of those buildings still have electricity? Why isn't the electricity in technology under water electricuting them?? How is there papers floating around in the water as they might in dry air, when clearly anything down there should have at least begun to disentigrate, but the ink would also be blurred too. That still doesn't explain how some of the buildings under water don't have water filling all of them up. What about the fishing docks. True, if it's sea water, anything built on or near will age faster, but those docks still look older than forty years and they look as if they were built on the sea where it steep which would mean the ground the docks come off of drops very steeply before getting to the other buildings. I can't think of anywhere with skyskrapers built on that kind of land. That water looks more than several stories deep. Back to the dock issue though, does that mean the sea overtook part of the city before the memory loss?
How come no one has contact with other countries? On one hand it seemed like they had been completely wiped out and this one city was all that was left of the human race, but then it seemed like one guy had knowledge that other countries did still exist and that no one in the city knew. If that's true, then what about these other countries? Did they all lose their memories as well? Why don't they make contact? Was all contact destroyed before the memory loss? Surely if it wasn't, someone would have at least accidently made contact. And people with megadeuses could have flown to see if there were others. Did some apocalyptic like event occur before the memory loss? Is there contact between countries that no common folk know about? In forty years, with the technology they have, surely they know whether others exist in the world. And no, you cannot expect me to believe that no one was curious enough to find out. That's not human. We are currious creatures. Curiosity and imagination help us move forward. Some people may be content with unanswered questions, but there are always plenty who aren't. Someone would have to be curious enough to find these things out.
While it may be an interesting show, it has so many holes it's not even funny. The events in the episodes are confusing sometimes too. They don't always happen in order and sometimes seem to jump around. 

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