May 25, 2014

Heaven's Memo Pad/ Kamisama-no-memochou Anime

Normally I watch try to watch something more than once before saying anything about it, however, I just finished watching this anime and wanted to say a few things about it.
I thought it was a really good anime (of course it could just be lack of sleep lol). I was rather disappointed it was so short. Anyone who knows me though, knows that an anime could be 100 episodes long and I might still call it short. Either the ending leaves too many unanswered questions or parts of the plot could have been expanded more, one way or another, you can't satisfy me unless I finally get bored. I wish this series had continued on to more. On the other hand, the ending was powerful and touching. It was a memorable and emotional way to wrap up the show. I guess I would actually have preferred more to happen before the ending, except I felt the characters still could develop more.
I found some of the series to be rather hilarious. I almost spit my drink out when Narumi told the gang that he would take over for Yondaime while the man was injured. It was a sort of serious moment but all I could think was 'high school student saying he will lead a gang of grown men (in age if not intelligence) and take over for their leader.' This guy gets himself into all sorts of things. Just take the first few episodes to start with. He doesn't plan to know anyone or make friends and ends up being told he is joining the garden club, made into an unofficial assistant for a NEET detective, takes a part time job at the ramen place (and I'm not really sure if he was officially hired or just sort of ended up in it like the assistant job), joins a gang, becomes a 'brother' to the gangs leader, and does some detective work! Are you serious! It takes skill to get caught up in all that so fast. What was he thinking anyway. In case none of his new friends noticed, he's still a boy and they are all adults except Ayaka and possibly Alice. And letting him into a gang, what was Yondaime thinking? Is that even legal? It certainly doesn't seem to be safe, though Yondaime certainly tried to keep the boy out of the worst of things and tried to keep him from seeing too much bad stuff, but still. All these adults let a kid get caught up in all this stuff. Maybe Japan is just weird. The only thing the kid actually volunteered himself for (that we know of) was joining the gang. He sort of got pulled into being the assistant for Alice. It's not really clear how he ended up working part time for the Ramen place. Ayaka basically gave him no choice but to join the garden club. Alice ordered him to do detective work. It's crazy. He goes from living a boring life to running all over town, getting beaten up, punching people, going to dangerous places, getting caught between rival thugs, getting involved in drugs and all sorts of things. All the adults, except for Yondaime, treat him like he is one of them and just as old as they are! They take orders from the kid! And does his sister or father know about what he is doing? Does his sister know about him staying out all night and how he gets his bruises and such? I'm guessing not.
The whole drug thing was rather surprising to me. More so than some of the other stuff. All these adults around, and they let the 16 year old who isn't entirely stable at the time, take this powerful and addictive drug. I have expected Yondaime to at least give him a good punch for doing such a thing. It may have been helpful, but you just gave a 16 year old a terrible drug! Are you out of your minds!? So many things could have gone wrong. But they barely even protested! Yondaime didn't even seem to be bothered and he is usually somewhat protective of Narumi. The other thing about it was the fact that Narumi takes this drug, does his job, barely, ends up asleep, gets up, and seems perfectly fine. How are you so fine after such a night? That is a strong and powerful and addictive drug and you are just fine. I think there would have been more of an after effect if he had gotten drunk! That part just doesn't seem believable to me. And he doesn't seem to have any withdrawal or any other problems after. Also, the bruises under his eyes apparently went away really fast. Bruises do not disappear that fast.
I really liked the show but some details of the last part irked me a bit. I also felt like the characters could have been developed further. Narumi is getting stronger and more confident, and I would have liked to see that continue and see how he would continue handling his now official job of assistant, his part time job assuming he hadn't quit, his belonging to a gang and being a brother to Yondaime, and his other off and on responsibilities. I would have liked to see more of the relationship between Narumi and Alice. It was never officially clear about his relationship with her or Ayaka. I also wonder just how far his involvement with the gang goes. Obviously it's not a bad gang. If it was, they wouldn't have a sign out front for the police to find. Still, it's no knitting club either. It's dangerous. He didn't seem to be a member really. He didn't wear the shirt or hang out there all the time. He was split between NEET and the gang. He often worked in the middle. To see his roles with each character and with each group become more defined would have been nice.
I read online that eventually Ayaka did wake up but had amnesia and didn't remember Narumi at all. They didn't show that though. I'm not sure why.
Overall I give the show a 4.5 out of 5 which is really good. It had funny moments, action, mystery, emotion, darkness, and a little hint of several other things. For only having twelve episodes, it managed to fit a lot in. It developed it's story relatively well, though some things could have been elaborated more. The characters were complicated, but not so much that they couldn't be developed in twelve episodes. The ending was beautiful and I didn't go stomping out of my room when it ended so I'd say it did pretty well. I would certainly recommend it!

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